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Quebecs droid shopping event

Loopy Newby

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Name: Quebec

Who helped (If applicable): Host: Quebec Shadow: Loopy  GH: Breadstick Harte and Mar.  VIP: Breadstick. Canadian. Hert. Mar. Kitty. Dets. and Fours.

Event Name: Endor's Bazzar

Summary of the story: Shopkeepers from around the galaxy have come to endor to sell there wares to the primitive ewoks and civilians there but find a republic base as well. Smelling profit they invite them in. But there a infamous republic fugitive unknowingly in the party and they need to find them.

What was the result of the event?: Shock quickly got there and started to check the vendors for legality which caused some confusion as they confirmed and denied there legality after a couple of shock checked them. Sonn things became hostile as they started to take away weapons from vendors and force people away causing the manager to seek help from a hidden sith and his partners. A couple of deathwatch landed to guard the area to make stuff fair but after awhile a shock started to assassinate the passive deathwatch causing them to go hostile and engage them. The fugitive revealed themselves and started to kill many clones and causing most of the other vendors to be captured by the shock.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive with a side of shoot em up

Edited by Loopy Newby
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