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Poe's - Crystal Jockey's


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Name: Poe

Who helped (If applicable): Loopy, Cutlaw, Brem, Tucker, Draco

Event Name: Crystal Jockey's

Summary of the story: Jawas have discovered  stolen Kyber Crystals from a downed Pirate ship on Tatooine. Sensing their immediate danger, and knowing the exorbitant prices of the Kyber Crystals. They know that they must escape Tatooine before the Pirates realize. Unbeknownst to them, the Pirates are already notified. The Jawas believe that Endor would be the best place to hide out as it is remote and for the most part uninhabited. To their surprise there is a republic base on the planet. Viewing this as an opportunity, the Jawas seek refuge under the republics protection. Hot on their tail the Pirates seek to recover what was stolen from them. The pirates act as hired officials of Greselda the Hutt in order to recover the Jawas. It's up to the republic to figure out the situation and how to approach it.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic hands over 1.7 million credits and the jawas to the Hutt and keep the kyber crytals. The Jawas are then executed outside of the East Gate. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP



327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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