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Star Wars Legends: The return of the self exiled.

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A long time ago, in Galaxy far far away.....

On a deserted planet far away far away from the current on going war between the Republic and the separatist, a adult Jedi Mediates on a nearby mountain. The man looked slightly rugged with his long brown beard, and battle scars across his face. 

While meditating he remember all he had gone trough during his time in the war. He remembers starting as a Padawan, while training with his former master CMO. This was when times were simpler, and the war had not started. After years of hard work and training the Jedi Padawan became a Knight through his difficult trial, while proving to his master, he was ready to embark on his own journey to eventually become a Jedi Master. To begin his new Journey, the young knight joined the ranks of the Sentinel branch of the order, who had blended the teaching of both Guardians, and colsulars. After showing the Sentinel lead how dedicated he was to the branch, he was granted the permissions to train new knight to become part of the sentinel branch. Though it was hard work, the Knight decided to take the Mantel of responsibility, and enlisted to become a Temple Guard, whose responsibility is to keep the sacred temples the Jedi used safe from attacks from enemy forces.

As a Temple Guard, the knight worked long days, and pushed away each and every emotion he felt day in and out. During training with other guards, the Jedi Battle Master Cin Drallig approached the Knight with a interesting proposition. The task Drallig offered the Knight would be difficult, but he was up for the challenge. His new task was to go to each temple to help train the recruits into the Temple Guard force. The Knight made sure each trial was difficult to pass, so only the best could get into the Honored branch. When returning back to the Corruscant temple, his former Master approached his landing shuttle. The Knight was called into a Sentinel council, which happened very rarely. His former Master revealed that the High Council promoted him to become the new Sentinel Lead. The Knight bowed to his former Master, then out of nowhere his former Master asked the Knight to become his Gatekeeper. The knight stood in shock, then bowed again.

Over time while serving the Sentinel branch, the knight proved to be a adept leader, and was approached by the council. The knight Entered the chambers ready to be yelled at for yet another disturbing padawan. Instead, the Masters greeted him and welcomed him to his trial for master.

A few months into becoming a master, the war with the CIS worsen. This caused the New masters Morale to go down so far he began to have dark dreams. Over time this deterriated the Master to the point where he stepped down from his position and left the order. 

After leaving the order the Jedi turned to be gray and exiled himself to the far reaches of the galaxy. He then continued to live in exile for a year.

One day while meditation on the cliffs, a LAAT suddenly appeard from nowhere. On board was his former Padawan who had come to bring the man back to the order.

With his exile finished he returned to his hut and grabbed his Temple Guard robes, Saber, and Mask. 



-im back


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Just bring back 101st already

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