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kissing men on the lips


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Ok so you see, electrons repel each other so that you dont merge with everything you touch meaning you never really touch anything, only your electrons. So when you kiss another man on the lips, its your electrons that are touching, not your lips. Meaning the electrons are gay not you or the other man. BOOM. Now you can kiss men and it wont be gay

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Bruh my fucking weird and stupid ass math teacher said he touches his wife’s shoulder before kissing because if he doesn’t the shock will come to their lips, like what the fuck is wrong with him man Why do you have to tell me that

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Just now, silvers said:

Bruh my fucking weird and stupid ass math teacher said he touches his wife’s shoulder before kissing because if he doesn’t the shock will come to their lips, like what the fuck is wrong with him man Why do you have to tell me that

that's just common courtesy man. dont wanna give ur lover a shock. that shit hurts. hes a kind and respectful man

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10 hours ago, SR Clank said:

hes a kind and respectful man



i don't want to go into detail, but let's just say the school did an unofficial poll and he was voted as one of the worst teachers in the campus. 100+ votes

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