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Loopy Zaan Consortium Deal

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Shadow: Kano  Vip's: Yolo, Zak and Kano as well as bluejay

Event Name: Consortium Dealers

Summary of the story: A bunch of consortium members intercept the republic's Tamewater frigate and wishes to make a deal with the republic to cause mischief with the CIS controlled planets. But they have a deal with the CIS in there pocket so if the republic low balls them they will attempt to take the bridge.

What was the result of the event?: The republic commander made a good deal and he gave the commander information of a attack on the tamewater prepping the troopers for it. 2 commando's droid entered the meeting room trying to get the commander but he left so he willed the deal maker that was with the commander. After chaos ensued droid started there assault bombing the skygate damaging it and sending jet droids to land and engage the clones but were shocked when they were predicted 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with a side or passive

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