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Average's Gamemaker Application


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Name: Average



How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 300+ on Synergy.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.5, I've watched all seasons of the show and all of the movies


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I think my leadership skills are pretty good because I pretty much ran and tried my best to keep the 612th alive on Icefuse before the battalion was discarded. I also can lead new recruits well and have had a blast leading troops in the past.

For my communication skills I think they are great because without them I wouldn't be a Vet Admin. It's also easy for me to lead a discussion and take input to solve problems fast and effectively. It's easy for me to work with others and I think I am usually a really friendly guy.  

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: (For my first event, The first part will take up to 5 days to prepare, this may seem excessive but just listen) 

The Great Betrayal

(Part One)

For 3-5 days we have someone become a new character of sorts, blend in with a battalion, rank up and even train people (This'll have to be someone dedicated to RP and who can make a character and join a new battalion, I do have people who have already volunteered for this role) This character will blend in and get buddy buddy with their battalion and rest of the ship. Then on the last day, The deathwatch attack with secret info about republic plans or a new republic tech. A Naval will be confused as to how they knew and will suggest that there is a traitor on board. We will have all the battalions except Null, RC, and RANCOR fighting off bounty hunters and Deathwatch. the three who are not fighting (RC, Null, and Rancor) are looking for a possible traitor, the traitor will be this one person, they will be acting suspicious and may even be with the Deathwatch. Once they find the Traitor he will fight his way out with help of Deathwatch reinforcements and he will escape with plans or tech.

(Part Two)

(a perfect leaving ship to the new planetary map)

first the 91st, 187th and 2nd Airborne will go to scope out the new planets. On one of the planets they will discover a camp of deathwatch hiding out, also the character in part one will be the leader of these deathwatch. They will report in and the rest of the battalions will swoop in to help fight and take their base/camp, meanwhile mainly defensive battalions will be protecting the main base from a deathwatch counter attack. When deathwatch start dying off Cad Bane arrives to help the leader escape.

(Part Three)

Sometime in the near future after careful planning the Deathwatch leader will come back to strike and take his base back from the republic, this time with the help of Maul and Savage. A long hard fought battle will take place until Maul, Savage escape and the Leader is captured, Not killed. after the rest of the deathwatch are killed the leader will be taken to IR, after the deathwatch leader refuses to cooperate it is now thought up that we execute him and the execution is held by non other than Anankin, ending the story arc and the deathwatch leader, ensuring he will never be a threat to the republic ever again.


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