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Unusual - The Hive


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Shadowed by: Forseen

Name: Unusual

Who Helped: Dolvek, Josh, [VIPS] Harte, Blackberry, Merb, (others, I dont remember there names)

Event Name: The Hive

Summary: An Acclimator name The Invested, Drifts into Hanger Bay 2 and gets stuck there. The Ship brings in a corruption that spread throughout the hanger. The hanger starts to spit out countless bugs while the queens screech can be heard. The bugs spread into engine room causing the engines to be covered in corruption. The queens soldiers spit fire at the clones while they attempt to breach the hive.

Result of Event: The queen is killed and the corruption stoped spreading. The remaining hive begins to die off and The Invested drifts into space. The clones can only wonder if the Hive still continues to exist.

Shootem up or RP: Shootem up



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