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Dear game makers.

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Dear game makers. I understand that we have a shortage of game makers but beb and ASVO aren't the only ones. Wow this is a friendly note asking for more events or more game makers because all I see doing events. Most events beb 2nd most nightmare 3rd asvo.so this a friendly request for more events.




If any arguing breaks out I will request this to be locked

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Hey Kip let me shed some light on Game Makers:

Yes a Game Maker is a person who makes the events but if we do event after event after they will get burnt out(trust me, I did). So we told them to give them an hour of down time between events so people can relax maybe get a new member or two or deal with staff/trainer stuff.

Also due to this being a new community, there aren't a lot of Game Makers, it's a climb in staff to get to the rank to host a event. 

Lastly, on the other side of the event is a person who has a life. School, work, kids, a family etc etc, we don't hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to do it. They have full autonomy over if they want to make a event or not.

Hope this clears some of this up,

Medic, Director of Staff.

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29 minutes ago, Medic said:

Hey Kip let me shed some light on Game Makers:

Yes a Game Maker is a person who makes the events but if we do event after event after they will get burnt out(trust me, I did). So we told them to give them an hour of down time between events so people can relax maybe get a new member or two or deal with staff/trainer stuff.

Also due to this being a new community, there aren't a lot of Game Makers, it's a climb in staff to get to the rank to host a event. 

Lastly, on the other side of the event is a person who has a life. School, work, kids, a family etc etc, we don't hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to do it. They have full autonomy over if they want to make a event or not.

Hope this clears some of this up,

Medic, Director of Staff.

Unless your me and never got burnt out, doing events is what makes me get in the server because they're fun 

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31 minutes ago, Medic said:

Hey Kip let me shed some light on Game Makers:

Yes a Game Maker is a person who makes the events but if we do event after event after they will get burnt out(trust me, I did). So we told them to give them an hour of down time between events so people can relax maybe get a new member or two or deal with staff/trainer stuff.

Also due to this being a new community, there aren't a lot of Game Makers, it's a climb in staff to get to the rank to host a event. 

Lastly, on the other side of the event is a person who has a life. School, work, kids, a family etc etc, we don't hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to do it. They have full autonomy over if they want to make a event or not.

Hope this clears some of this up,

Medic, Director of Staff.

Unless your me and never got burnt out, doing events is what makes me get in the server because they're fun 

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honestly at this point i'd just say @gamemakers unless your event is going to be groundbreaking or some shit don't force some 2/10 RP for the sake of RP - RP needs to be used to actually advance your event plot, not to be used to jerk off your own characters and make the whole thing about you (a certain someone who I won't name, whereas Beb used Tuff for a while to actually help push his events as a supporting character then we eventually killed him off and it turned into a huge meme and then it got cancer but that's aside the point)


you can genuinely set up a shitty shoot 'em up in 10 minutes if you can make a valid explanation for something attacking the ship then spawn NPCs for a bit and give people that spicy pew pew


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