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Tinovious - Gume Saam and the Bounty Hunter Quad


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Name: Tinovious 

Who helped (If applicable): Greek, Marvel (Shadowed), Derv and Blackberry.

Event Name: Gume Saam and the Bounty Hunter Quad

Summary of the story: Four Bounty Hunters landed on Endor after being hired by Senator Gume Saam, The Bounty Hunters were tasked to extract the senator for a hefty sum. They entered the base and caused a distraction, Taking the protocol droid C-3PO hostage, and traded C-3PO with the sith for Gume Saam. The Bounty Hunters then took Gume hostage and attempted to bargain for  a better price with the Republic, During Negotiations due to Natural events, A tree fell on Gume and injured him. The Negotiations went south, and combat ensued. Gume is now in custody for questioning. 

What was the result of the event?: Three out of the four bounty hunters were killed, One escaped and Gume lived.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em up with small pockets of passive rp. 



Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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