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ASVO/Echo's Game Helper Application


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Name: ASVO

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:187804446


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:  Probably around 350 hours on the server as I have 177 hours the past 2 weeks.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:  7


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I can communicate very well and I believe that I can lead pretty good to.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

I would start with 2 unKnown Red lightsaber welders. The 2 apprentices went out on a mission to find some sort of valuable material that there master needed instead they actually found a cave the contained kyber crystals they find one and actually hold it in there hand where they felt thelight they felt like they belonged with the Jedi they were made to hate the light flowed through the m so they became interested and So they decide secretly too join the order. The sith apprentices know much about the sith they have been with the sith for a while and know there plans, techniques and overall about them. They come over in comms asking permission to land obviously everyone will be uneasy for that time and things will start to build up the Jedi will show up and the sith apprentices will tell there backstory and why they want to join the order for a while they will RP. Then suddenly the sith apprentices will suddenly feel sick and uneased as if there master is coming for them at this time they are at the temple then Republic comms comes over and gets the Jedi to move back to the venator then the Master will show up and negotiate with the Jedi for the apprentices when negotiation fails the Master will attack then another Apprentice of there Master will hop down with a droid army and fight the clones and Jedi the sith messes with the sith apprentices minds making them disoriented and dizzy they will be acting wierd. The Jedi and clones will be told to take them to comms deck as the highest priority on the ship and they must  protect them while the sith and droids attack to kill the apprentices the decision to kill or let the apprentices live will be up to the players actions and decisions in the end. If they live the Jedi will have the choice of bringing them in if they die then they die, the Republic loses the information. So with that being said there is actually a reward for protecting them in this event.

Another one I would like to do:
Starts off with Chancellor Palpetine decides too check the armor and overall quality of the Venator the Kuat's who make the Venators are asked by the Chancellor to inspect the ship they will come on the ship with no problems since they were ordered by the Chancellor himself what we don't know is that Lord sidous (Palpy but we don't know that yet) Has payed them double to destroy the venator and take the information of the ship and send it to the CIS. So the workers will come to the ship in a skin like a 101st trooper colored or something of that sort the leader will come in a ship and ask to speak to Naval to inform them on what's happening after him a couple minutes later the regular inspectors will come on and start being a bit suspicious but no too much they will walk around ER and other places and RP inspect the ship then they will slowly hide bombs in the ship at this point if someone notices than it is up to the players what happens but on with the story they are going to plant the bombs and walk around planting bombs then they are going to attempt to make it up to comma deck and try to secure the information that the Republic uploaded after they finished building the ship they will start a data upload then while they are doing that a platoon of droid will jump out of hyper space and attack the clones will figure out the inspectors are stealing the info and will be being attached frim both sides the droids will try to kill the clones off so the data can be stolen so the players have to try to kill the inspectors or capture them while they have droids attacking them it's a very player driven event some inspectors will die and some will be captured at the end they can either escape if they make it or they'll get captured/killed now here's the tricky part we don't know which inspector has the information with them so they must find which one does and make sure not too let them escape (the inspector with info will be selected before and will not have weapons) hopefully y'all like that event props to Kain he gave me an idea and I changed it to what it is now!
Edited by ASVO
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I know your competent and I know you really want to be a Game maker, but I feel the event really lacks depth to a lot of degrees. If you need an assist on story building and depth, you can speak to me. But for the time being, -1. The story is one Of, not if, the most important factors of an event.


Edit: Upon further inspection and speaking with the OP, I've decided to give a +1.

Edited by Kain
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21 minutes ago, Kain said:

I know your competent and I know you really want to be a Game maker, but I feel the event really lacks depth to a lot of degrees. If you need an assist on story building and depth, you can speak to me. But for the time being, -1. The story is one Of, not if, the most important factors of an event.

Kain I will always be open to ideas pitch yours to me cause I want events that the community wants

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