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Silvers - The Rule of Two


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Name: Silvers

Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek, Cutlaw, Dennis, BigZach

Event Name: The Rule of Two

Summary of the story: Two Sith Force sensitives are not a part of the sith empire. In fact, they despise the new sith empire, and they believe in the rule of two. They infiltrate the temple and blend in, steal some holocrons, and then caught. The Lord dies, and the apprentice survives. The apprentice will be converted into the new sith empire way, and here's this: The Rule of 2 duo has a cult follwship, called the "Rule Cult." They are non force sensitive individuals who believe in the dark side and rule of 2. A representative comes into the temple and discusses with Darth Mortium about it, and he is convinced. He brought this new way of life to the cult, and it divided into a 50/50 agreement. One group led by the representative FOR the empire, and one side against it. An all-out civil war begins across the sith temple, and the sith turn out victorious alongside their new allies.


Final Rebel cells were ordered to crash their ships into the base and BCC and cause havoc, clones win. (wanted clones to do something :) )

What was the result of the event?: it went pretty epic and sickomode

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both



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