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Omalic - The Treasonous Lord


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Name: Omalic

Who helped (If applicable): Snadvich , Bro

Event Name: The Treasonous Lord

Summary of the story: A lord sick of the Emperors rule attempted to assassinate him and failed. He hastily escaped the temple being hunted down by the dark honor guard looking to punish the lord for his treasonous ways. 

What was the result of the event?: The lord was saved by the republic but the dark honor guard eventually killed him after a mass attack on the base by a sith necromancer and his sith spawn.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

 Papa Kal

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7/10 The overall idea of it was nice, good comms work too. Just give the enemies some more health next time, cause they died quite fast. Maybe have an outpost be the place where the Necromancer is summoning his minions from. Makes is more interactive and interesting.

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