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Koala's- Wootini Gang Event


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Event Idea by: Shroomie
Link to the original idea: N/A


Name: Koala

Who helped (If applicable): Dennis | Cubby | Myoote

Event Name: Wootini Gang Event

Summary of the story: A frigate crashed into a nearby mountain. As the cargo poured out, the wootinis scrambled to salvage what they could when a patrol happened upon the crash. At first they were greeted within a hint of confusement and slight hostility due to the sheer amount of Jawas and their unknown language. However, they had a protocol droid as translator[I know, 41st job, but they were all AFK or an event job]. Soon, the jawas hinted that they had a holocron, and a strange "stunstick", prompting practically the entire jedi temple to go to the crash site, as well as some sith. Wanting to keep these things, they ran, calling CIS.

What was the result of the event?: Kinda a shitshow, jawas were shot, and some were captured and interrogated. In the end, we had to get the jawas to leave on a ship.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay



Edited by Koala
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10/10 Good event , we have everything 

- Good RP
- Shoot em up
- Caos ( My favorite part ) - This medbay part was hilarious

ps. Those 3 event jobs shouldn't got blacklisted they didnt do anything wrong, there were doing the RP. 



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Just now, Donald Duck said:

the jawas were pretty mingy


Jawas are dumb, they do stupid stuff

They were doing a excellent rp based on the character



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