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Merrill - News Team 6


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Venus, Omalic, Elijah

Summary of Story: In an effort to connect the Republic Clone army more with the citizens of the galaxy, Republic Command has authorized a small news team to come in and film, doing interviews with the troopers on site and seeing how their day to day lives go.

Outcome of Event: The interviews went nicely, as members of the Clone Army gave answers to various questions and took the News Crew on a short tour of the base. However, after leaving, they were shot down by a force of Commando Droids near Bravo. The Pilot and Camera Droid died instantly, while the two remaining personal hid in the outpost until they were eventually rescued.

Type of Event: Passive RP

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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