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Poe's - Trandosian Doonium Raiders


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Name: Poe

Who helped (If applicable): Sixta

Event Name: Trandosian Raiders

Summary of the story: Sensing large amounts of doonium on the nearby planet a nearby Trandosian Raiding party decides to land to investigate. As they get closer they realize that this is in fact a Republic Base. Although not wanting to directly engage, the Trandosians are enticed by the doonium as they could either sell it or utilize it to create more ships. They decide to go in as incognito as possible, although after extracting from Bravo, they are fueled by greed and attempt to take the doonium from alpha as well. Due to the outpost being so close to the base they must create a diversion, attacking the Ewok Village is their best option, they can raid it but also create a distraction as well. Eventually leading to the assault of the base.

What was the result of the event?: The Trandosians escape with the doonium suffering mass casualties, although in their eyes, the resource was worth it.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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