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Poe's - Doonium Leak


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Event Idea by: 
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Name: Poe

Who helped (If applicable): Apexxtank

Event Name: Doonium Leak

Summary of the story: With the new introduction of the Doonium Mines, the republic has not fully explored the depths that live within the crust of Endor. Knowing this a mysterious tribe named the Shadow Cult watches and provokes the enhanced drilling of the extractors, forcing them to hit something unexpected. In turn, striking a living ore using the mining stations near the outpost. leading into an outbreak of an ancient disease. The hosts of the disease spread rampant through the base slowly killing them as it spreads. The ancient living ore is re-awakened through the spread of its hosts, allowing a dormant spore to erupt through the crust of the courtyard. Allowing for the twisted ancient species to crawl out of the depths, hellbent on the spread of the disease the creatures run rampant throughout the base.

What was the result of the event?: SOBDE burns the spore and patches the leak in the doonium extractor. The troopers discover a cure and pass it through the vents. Although many perished, the republic is now more wary of what lies beneath the crust of Endor

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP into Shoot em up


327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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