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Montys Staff App


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RP Name:104th TECH HVY CPL Monty

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:168633446



Time zone: USA Eastern

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator: I wish to be a admin so I can help improve the server and its content. I wish to be able to make events as well as assist in fixing problems and giving the player things to do. Some of these things include: NPC sims,events(once I'm a gm),passive rp, mini games, etc. I would also like to help other players with fixing their problems as well as deal with minges or trouble makers. I hope you will consider me for a staff position and look forward to a response.

Tell us a little about yourself: I'm 14 and live in the USA. I have a device that limits the time I can be on internet witch disconnects me randomly (its annoying). I have ADHD which is why I sometimes get hyper or take things to far and inadvertently cause problems. My school day starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. My bed time is 9:00 PM

Do you have any previous staff experience? No

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Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback/Lack Of Detail in Application.
You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on September 28th.
Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.

-Also, If you become a staff member and are not currently a trainer; you have a week to get into the TR program upon acceptance into staff

(If you were to be accepted)



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