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Scribbles - Revans Memories


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Synyster, Qal

Event Name: Revans Memories

Summary of the story: The sith were beckoned to an ancient planet inhabitated and packed by the republic. Jedi were sent as guards incase the CIS found them, but the Sith had found them first.  The sith completed a series of tasks and puzzles, challenges alike to gain keys. These keys lead to a temple that revealed itself over time the more challenges were completed. 5 Keys In total were scattered to prevent them from completed these tasks as the republic wanted to gain access for themselves.  Probably for ultimate power. Leaving a Jedi alive.  For some reason. He escaped. 

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully went well, things didnt go as planned but thats the fun of it.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Slicing, with alot of roleplay

Edited by Scribbles
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Was very good. I loved the involvement of so many Sith artifacts, which will now give Sorcerers a lot of RP in the main server. Everyone got to take part and the ending was very much expected.

I felt like it was a little long, but that is mainly the fault of us having trouble finding some of the pieces to the puzzle to move forward.

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