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Guys (or grils), I gotta Y E E T

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I'm not having fun playing Gmod anymore. That and I got real life that sucks like hell too.

So I gotta go.

But I do like to point one thing though:

I recently came back to the server primarily because of the introduction to the Encounter stuff:

My intention was to create Encounters that are ridiculously absurd and outrageous that everyone wold be like "W T F" and all. However, I personally find that finding any Admin+ to supervise the Encounters is absolutely difficult and time-consuming. And no, I don't want multiple New Admins to TP to me to tell me that there aren't any Admin+ to supervise the Encounter (I understand that you're trying to help and all, but come on, I already know the fact that I need Admin+ for the Encounter. There are times where there were bunch of Admin+ in-game and I even had to beg for a response...).


Sometimes there are Admin+ who agree to supervise the Encounter, and when they do, they:

  • kindly asked me to join Encounter Room channel  in Teamspeak
  • teleported me to the Admin Room to discuss about the Encounter
  • instructed me on what I can do and what I "cannot" do
  • and supervised the whole Encounter while keeping up with the communication through Teamspeak


Most of the time, if they "agree" to supervise the Encounter, they either:

  • sounded like they are disgruntled and/or grumpy
  • didn't ask me to join the Teamspeak or verify that I am connected to Teamspeak at all
  • sometimes they "question" my idea of the Encounters and say something like "Yeah, you're gonna get shot" and I'm like "Um, yeah. That's the point. It's all players' choices."
  • Most of the time they weren't fully aware of the rules/requirements of the Encounter. One such case is that you need minimum of 3 VIPs to fulfill the requirement (which is not listed anymore on the rules...). Other such case is that when I asked if I can be a different job outside of the listed Encounter job, that's a NO GO because it would require to be an Event instead of the Encounter (which is ironic since to have a different job you need an approval from GMO+/HA+ which I don't no since there were no communication at all...)
  • didn't supervise the Encounter thoroughly (or maybe they did, but I'm not certain because of lack of communication...)
  • there was this one case where the Encounter was supervised and was kept in communication via Teamspeak, but after the start, the Admin who was supervising it said that he had to go because of "Jedi Trial"...
  • There was this one case where New Admin TPed to me after making several tickets about hosting the Encounter. The New Admin told me to wait while he was going to search for any available Admin+ via Admin Chat. One did TPed to us about hosting the Encounter and when he looked at me, he was laughing for some reason. I did not know why he was laughing about, but after they were discussing in private, the New Admin told me that there weren't any available Admin+ to supervise the Encounter. I'm like, "Okay". Then my Gmod crashed, but I didn't even bother re-opening it again.


Here is my question:

How hard is it for me to do an Encounter where I'm an imposter Dark "Lord" of the Sith who came to reclaim his "rightful" throne, only to mistaken Jedi Temple as Sith Temple and thinking that Jedi are Sith and his followers of the Dark Side?



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2 hours ago, KanZ said:

How hard is it for me to do an Encounter where I'm an imposter Dark "Lord" of the Sith who came to reclaim his "rightful" throne, only to mistaken Jedi Temple as Sith Temple and thinking that Jedi are Sith and his followers of the Dark Side?

o7 adios amigo

and the reason why you can't be a sith is because admins cannot spawn any weapons/lightsabers. You would require an SA. Therefore you would be a sith without force powers or a lightsaber. I agree that there should be more encounters. But directly relating to the sith question, admins cannot give any weapons or drop after spawning it for themselves.

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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