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Merrill - Assault in the Sand


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Lighig, Ganar, Coil, Synyster, Lindsey, Mute

Story Summary: After a recent recon mission, an attack was discovered on a nearby desert planet on a Republic outpost. Relief was required, as was a counter assault in order to regain Republic control of the planet.

Outcome of Event: The Republic base was restored to full functionality, and the troopers fought off multiple sneak attacks and destroyed the hidden CIS base on the planet.

Type of Event: Mixed

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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Things I liked:

- Most to all battalions included in event

Things I disliked:

- Not that much action for guarding battalions.

- Some to no coordination between battalions making it seem like chaos. Coordination could be better.

Things to keep:

- I liked to story that was being set and hope you make some more as good as this

Edited by CSStark
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