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Darkness application


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RP Name:TR 91st Lightning SGT1 Darknes

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:87317586




Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

i've been on the server for about a week and i love it already better than any server i've been on for sometime. and i want to try to help this server as a admin and get to know the other admins a bit more. plues it fills in the hours that i play on this server doing nothing might as well use that time to help the admin's and players with problom's that admin's are only able to take care of. there was already some bad things that happened that i supported the admins in and i will love to continue with that helping. i do hope im doing all this right and im not repeating myself. sorry if i am.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I got alot of time in my life doing nothing but gaming and im a nice guy and a bit crazy maby a bit psycho just a bit. and i got memory problem's and my spelling is not the best but i try my hardest on it. but from there i dont know much about my self i'm sorry of this is not something you want to read but its the truth about. also i record alot when i game.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Sadly no ill be doing admin for the first time so goodluck with this noob. :P

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Don't let his lack of staff experience discourage you from +1ing his app. In the short time i've known him, hes probably the most compassionate person I know. He's one of the few people that like training and he sits and waits for the trainees to come in the TR room. I'm sure he'll do a wonderful job as a staff member.

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Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback/Lack Of Detail in Application.
You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on September 26th.
Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.

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