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Missing Assets

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Commander Stone/Gret Bug Report:

Bug Type: It might be missing assets or a bug of some sort. I am not very technical srry.
Severity Level: 2 Multiple people had the same problem.
Evidence: loadglitch.pngloadglitch2.png
Description of the bug: When I connected to the server, the doors were missing and brig hallway was completely missing. I might have disregarded it the first occurrence but it has happened again and to other peeps of my battalion. I am making this bug report now because this didn't happen on the V2 map. These screenshots are from my fellow Shock Super.
How can we recreate it: It happened the most when we went to event server and came back like an hour later. It also happened when I re-logged to try and fix it. The temporary fix for me is just restarting GMOD each time.

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