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Scribbles - Trando Hondo


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Prince, Jumes, Elijah

Event Name: Trando Hondo

Summary of the story: Hondo, being the sly pirate that he is, took a starmap from trandoshans that lead to force sensitive younglings that trandos kidnapped and hunted for sport, hondo landed as he angered the trandoshans for stealing the starmap, and asked the republic for help, as he brought gifts to try and bribe and persuade them into protecting him, and was escorted off the planet during the whole shooting fiasco. Trandoshans were captured and tortured for info and were interrogated. 

What was the result of the event?: Hopefully alright

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying, but mostly shooting

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Thought the RP was good but I felt that it took too long to wrap up. Resulting in people just sitting around for upwards of 30 mins

Also the RP by Hondo ( @tucker )  was great and kept me entertained fora majority of the event

Edited by poe

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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