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Merrill - The Two Outposts


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Name: Merrill

Who helped (If applicable): Silvers (Shadowing), Rage, Bear, Elijah

Event Name: The Two Outposts

Summary of the story: The CIS sent a small force to stealthy set up two outposts outside the base to harass it and establish a presence in the area. A Sith Lord was sent with to deal with any Jedi who got too close. The outposts featured a comms jammer, anti-aircraft turret, and droid dispensers to provide fresh B2s. A tactical droid led the force, predicting an easy assignment.

What was the result of the event?: Republic forces first managed to take out the AA outpost above the base, freeing their airspace for more aircraft. Outpost Bravo was discovered to be occupied by more droids. Then, they discovered the second outpost in the tunnels of Bravo outpost, wiping out the Tactical Droid and jammer inside. Finally, the Sith Lord ran amuck, angered by the failure of the droids. Ultimately, he was also defeated by the strength of the Grand Army.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot-em Up

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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