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Silvers - CIS Jingles


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Heart, Elijah, and Ken

Event Name: CIS Jingles

Summary of the story: Greivous and another general wish for a cease fire due to it being life day. They have a feast, but little did the republic know, the food in that feast had a special serum that spread an infection across the base. Zombies started to come out and attack everyone! So I guess it really wasn't a cease fire... huh.... 

What was the result of the event?: You guys did it hooray good ol' comedy as well!!! nice!!!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly RP, but a shoot em up at the end.

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Some iconic quotes:
"grievous sir that's an addiction"

"You have an addiction, a stupid addiction."
"That doesn't make sense stupid is a term not a substance"
"It makes sense, you're addicted to stupid, so you're stupid all th-- has a coughing fit"


"Hello there"


"I don't think this is meat, these are just rocks colored to look like meat. And they burned it"
/me tries to shove a tube down grievous' throat to fill his lungs with orange juice


"I need a kleenex for grievous, he spilled a little stew on his modulator"

shock trooper /me takes out a kleenex and wipes the general

"I plan on killing you all one day"

@Cards @Stern 

11/10 would cough again

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