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Holo-Shooting stars


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Name: Holo 

Who helped (If applicable): Acid Nick synyster

Event Name: The shooting stars

Summary of the story: A CIS ship was being attacked by pirates. their engines were destroyed and after warping to endor to escape they got pulled into the atmosphere and began to take bravo for comms

What was the result of the event?: They fought the CIS and won after taking a Tactical droid hostage

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up

Autism made me do it.

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I give it a solid 8. Made Sense, the enemy attacked the outposts rather than the base first. And once we took out their forces, they went for the main base. The only complaint I had was that event jobs had a little too much health. Literally to the point to where they stood still firing at us while two z-6's were firing at him.

  • Agree 1

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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