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Heart - Umbaran Hide n Seek


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Name: Heart

Who helped (If applicable): Bro, Cucumber, Alexz

Event Name: Umbaran Hide n Seek

Summary of the story: Umbarans come to investigate a tip-off of a republic base. The plan was to hide and wait it out, hopefully avoiding any conflict all together, but the ATKREG had a different idea, and decided to ambush the Umbaran scouts. Naturally, a fleet entered the atmosphere and began bombarding and essentially levelling the base. Over time, Jar-Jar was able to access palpatine's hologram projector and sent to Coruscant a distress signal, to which an Acclimator came in and assisted greatly in the removal of the CIS ships. 

What was the result of the event?: CIS dumbos got wrecked.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup with story

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+1, definitely think this idea should be applied to an deployment mission. Where a battalion is sent out to a base to support the Republic stationed there, only to find out all supply lines were cut, as well as all forms of communcation. Then, the hide and seek stuff would play out.

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