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Commadner Death Attack


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Who Helped [if applicable] Naffen

Event Name: Death First Strike 

Summery of the Story:  Senior Commander Death Has Defected to the CIS while stealing data and The Location of the Endor Base Hint Us He Gives the Cords to the CIS and they Send a Armata to destroy the Base the Troopers spring into action they scramble into LAATS get they GTFO of the base thats about to explode they flee to Alpha outpost and they start a plan to take back the base while senior Commander Death has more Reinforcements arriving the Clones Send A coded SOS to Coruscant for Back up awhile they wait and plan the attack there back up arrives in a hurry with extra troops and ammo and rations but Senior Commander Death has extra surprises hidden in the Base a couple of sith are hidden in it I hope the jedi spring into action and help out will the clones prevail find out

What was the result of the event:

Was this more of a Passive RP or Shootem up: its a shootem up

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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You do NOT call defcons as an event job and then when yelled about it switch to your naval and call defcons when you are the gamemaster and forceRP when the base is clear and  there is no reason to defcon 1

Edited by Nade Jones



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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-1 Leave the base, everything is fine, 4Head

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