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Runaway Droids


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Name: Bananaberry

Who helped (If applicable): Bazoo, Logic, Nade, Excalibur, Mar, Bar

Event Name: Runaway Droids

Summary of the story: 3 droids come to outpost alpha to look for repairs and safety from their evil master. Retrieval droids come looking for them by asking at the main base, they are brought inside and ask their questions and leave peacefully and head west towards bravo. Retrieve the droids and reward the clone 100000 credits.

What was the result of the event?: Escaped droids killed, money handed over

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP 

Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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