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CWRP - Joe's 2nd Staff Application


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RP Name: 41st EC JT SPC Joe

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113428718


Age: 17

Timezone: EST 

Why I Want To Be an Administrator: Well, I want to be an administrator because I want to be able to help the server improve in as many ways as possible and I think becoming staff is the best way to do that. I want to remove the minges and make the community a safe and enjoyable place for everyone. I have experience as staff, so I will complete everything I need to, and then some. I am very active (Other than school) and I can be on a lot and I will always be available to help others. I am able to play most of the day, which helps because some staff go AFK and people are always waiting for something to be spawned, or whitelisted, etc. I really enjoy filling out documents and training new people either into my battalion or into the server. I want to be an admin because I want to be the first person that people see when they join the server and I want them to make them feel like they are going to love it here. I am already knowledgeable about staff and the server. I know what needs to be done as staff and the rules of the server.

A Little About  Myself: Honestly, there aren't many interesting things about me. I'm very mature and respectful. I have been playing Garry's Mod on and off for a little over 2 years now.  I really enjoy RP servers, especially this server, and I am always looking to improve myself and help others when they need it. I enjoy filling out documents and helping people. I am nice, you will never see me burst out in anger or anything similar to it. I always look at both sides of an argument/discussion to figure out what the problem is and how I can fix it. If there is a CMD and a PVT arguing, I will look at both sides before I chose and I will not be biased just based on the fact that he is the CMD (Just an example).

Do You Have Any Previous Staff Experience: Of course. I was staff on here a couple months back (Didn't know how to do a re-app or if I was able to do one, so I just did this). I was also staff on IceFuse a while ago. I gained staff on other small servers that had sub 10 people on them (That's not anything special)

How Much Playtime Do You Have On The Synergy Server: Currently at 202 hours and probably going to quickly climb.

Are You Currently Staff On A Synergy Server: No

Note: Last time I was staff, I disappeared without saying anything, which won't happen again. It was wrong for me to do and I should have said something before I just vanished. I will make sure this will never happen again. Also, I know I had bad encounters with some people and I hope that we can ignore my past self and enjoy my present self :). 
I go to school 7:30-2:30 Monday-Friday. My schedule for work is pretty undetermined, but I usually work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from about 5:00 PM to whenever I get off (Sometimes I don't work at all)

Edited by Joesif
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On 6/28/2018 at 1:18 PM, Freck said:

You may not comment on your own Staff Application after publishing it unless answering a question you were specifically address on. Otherwise, commenting will disqualify your application.


For breaking application rules, your application has been Denied.


You may re-apply to the staff team on January 2nd, 2019. Applying before then will result in a 60 day staff blacklist.

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