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Scribbles - Moon Raid Succession


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Sixta

Event Name: Moon Raid Succession

Summary of the story: The 501st, 212th and RANCOR were deployed to a moon base set up by the CIS that worked its way into the moons core. A previous attempt was made on this base previously and failed, as the remnants of republic vehicles were scattered, smaller forces, as the ones who ere deployed traversed the harsh environment and worked their way into the main base, in which case they found it had worked its way into the main moon core. They fought their way through, hacking consoles, diffusing bombs, getting as much info as they can before hitting the main generator room. Once entering the main generator room they destroyed a Tactical droid that was left by an Umbaran like general. 

What was the result of the event?: They retrieved the data chip and found out there was another base, planning their movement for their next successful assault. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Lots of RP, lots of shooty shooty. 

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