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Outer rim problems


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Name: Price

Who helped (If applicable): no GH helped but piff kazuto  and harte

Event Name: Outer rim problems 

Summary of the story: 4 droids go into the ship and negotiate movements in the outer rim, while that happened a cloaked droid infiltrated the engine room and planted explosives on engine 6 -5 -1 this gave RP to all the ENG and the people in MHB got bombarded and then attacked   

What was the result of the event?: the CIS fleet getting destroyed and no intel was lost

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: it was half RP half shoot em up

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I'm going to have to -1 this event.
First off, why is sam's hell are we letting CIS onto our ship? That's not even close to lore friendly. The CIS has meetings on planets with Senate guards present, and senators. Not fleet to CIS fleet. 

Second off, this event felt very orientated to 501st and Rancor in the start. I had come in asking why is there CIS, to be told that they are robots and they we don't know if they're CIS. Then, commando droids came out along with a tactical droid. And upon saying that those are CIS models, I was yelled at then kicked out.


Third off, the whole explosions thing involing the engines, I know this event was to create ENG RP, but no event should be set in stone. It is Player choice, not follow a script. You should have had bombs in the ER. I personally check HMC and ER for bomb props every time we have a guest, and there is normally a prop for a bomb that I can attempt to diffuse, but this time there was not.

That concludes my criticism. 

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