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Senator Blackmail


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Name: Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Alexz, Orlando, Pratt, Dolvek (Pratt shadowed me)

Event Name: Senator Blackmail

Summary of the story: Senator Orlando comes in the resolute with a LAAT and a group of CTs. He holds a medal ceremony and does diplomatic things in the ship until, during the ceremony he reveals he has bombs attached to himself and across the ship with the help of Commando droids. He was actually blackmailed by the CIS forces, that if he didn't do as they were told, they would kill his family. During the Ceremony, the CTs aka Commando droids actually were placing bombs across the ship and the real clones must defuse those bombs. The bomb attached to the senator actually cannot be saved, it will blow up on him and he will need surgery for Med RP.

What was the result of the event?: OHHH BOY IT FAILED AHAHHAHAH. We didn't even make it past the start of the medal ceremony before people were calling for defcon 5 and 3. But oh well, maybe I will save this for a later date...

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was supposed to be a role play oriented, but it became more of a shoot em up but without NPCs.

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1 minute ago, Arroyo said:

Neutral, there wasn’t really any action for everyone like 212th was bored the whole time. 

You could’ve also done something with droids instead of everything be bombs 

Yeah man, like I said. I was trying to get more action but things went downhill realllllyyy fast. It was supposed to be short and sweet because there was a lack of main events today, and we would have commando droids have high health the fight the players but then they all got arrested and stuff lmao. But this was a learning experience for me! Hope my next event will have everyone satisfied! :)


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