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Heart - Box RP *now with Vitamin Jawa!*


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Name: Heart 

Who helped (If applicable): Sixta, Alex, Rhino

Event Name: Box RP *now with Vitamin Jawa!*

Summary of the story: A republic informant droid alerted the ship of an incoming package full of boxes that needed to be delivered. As soon as it was arrived, the droid was gunned down by a band of Jawas inside the crate. They wreaked (albeit, not much) havoc on the ship, and started to become a nuisance. Thankfully, they were dealt with quickly, and the boxes were delivered. Sadly, the republic defects didn't check the crates, so even more jawas managed to find their way onto the ship and wreaked slightly more havoc.

What was the result of the event?: Jawas died, and the republic informant decided that the security protocal needed to be upped, before being deactivated. Three times.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup

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On 10/31/2018 at 9:39 AM, Medic said:

Is...someone bringing back boxRP? @Beb IT'S HAPPENING 

This is new wave BoxRP, this does not fully represent the culture of classical BoxRP. All good Box RP requires an Angry Wookie, a dumb Jawa, who later betrays you, and a big ass box. But I am happy to see my Legacy of box-based events be continued. 

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