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Bruno's Staff Aplication

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RP Name: RC 62 Delta Squad Scorch/ TR Jedi K CH I Poh

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91405780

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I love helping people. That is the main reason. Ever since I started staffing on StarwarsRP I loved the feeling I got after helping someone, even if it was just a whitelist ticket or a “BUILD ME A SIM PLEASE” kind of ticket. I consider that my experience on staffing (I was staff for more than 8 months) and my activity can help the server and staff team a lot. The server is in need of experienced staff, I have seen a couple of admins that don’t even do their job and I believe that I am the kind of staff this server needs. someone who is passionate about staffing and cares about the players and if they are having fun or not by playing on the server. I want to see this server grow even bigger than it is now, and I will do my best to see that happen.

Synergy deserves to grow in numbers and servers, and I believe that the most important thing to achieve this is by having a great staff team to support your projects, and I want to be there to support you guys but only if you give me a chance to prove myself worthy as an Administrator.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Im from Argentina, I never really liked Gmod until I discovered Icefuse and it literally ruined my marks at school because of the amount of time I used to spent on it. It was like 8 hours everyday without stoping any minute. I transferred to DarkRP in there and got kicked out before the drama started, when I realized Joah made a server I came to play and found almost all the people I met back on Icefuse and I finally decided to stay. I love joking around and having fun but I can actually be really serious if i am needed to (Even though some of you dont believe this).

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Icefuse ClonewarsRP Administrator.

Edited by Autistic Bruno
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