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Candy GM app

The Candy Man

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Name: 212th GCL SST MAJ Longshot/P TG Candy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46904298


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I have 1349 hours on Gmod, I have goten about 53 of them on the server. (Only server I play and I got 53 hours this week)


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 6


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I would say decent, I am not the best but I can be good when need be

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:  Event jobs: Dooku, ventress, Grievous, and B2 and one jedi mind controled 101st trooper
Begining: The 101st would be poileting a laat and one would reqest to land in the jedi temple, when done there would reqest to land on the venator

after landing in the jedi temple: The 101st just say delivory and then let dooku and ventress out. Dooku would jam the jedi comms to the venator with some CIS teck. Then the 101st would go to the venator

After landing on the vennator: would say delivory from jedi temple, and then open the doors and try his best to get to third floor to send data to the CIS

simple review:

Dooku and Ventress attack the jedi temple to get the holocrons. While Grievous and the B2s attack the ship to distract the clones.  Grievous and the B2s are mainly supposed to attack, the third floor and ER, to disperce, the attencon from the jedi temple. The mind tricked jedi will try to blend in get info from third floor. It would be the clones job to find the clones and stop him before any importent info is stolen

Edited by The Candy Man
fix event
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