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Pratt's Sith revolt event


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Name: Pratt

Who helped (If applicable): Scribbles, and Prophet

Event Name: The captured sith revolt

Summary of the story: A fake jedi brought 3 caputred sith onto the Resolute. The Captured sith were brought to brig for interrogation. Shadows interrogated them, but then one broke free and killed them. Ahsoka then broke the button causing the interrogation room to open and the sith to leave. The sith ran out of the brig after cutting through the doors and killing all of the clones in their path. Meanwhile the "fake jedi" went around and tried to convert younglings to the dark side

What was the result of the event?: Clone Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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+1 but breaking the button should not open the door

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