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Tulokies disperse

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Goodbye everyone, it’s been fun for the past couple months playing but I’ve been stressing out about school too much so I haven’t had time to play, see everyone whenever I come back

My Farewells ❤️

My man @Sanchez for pushing me and having me do all those CC training

 @Andrews53 for letting me into the staff team in the first place

 @Perri for being an amazing BCMD ;)

 @Varius for all those fun times when we hung out when I was apart of DU

 @SnookieWilliams for being a great person when I was apart of DU 

 @Maloik for all those random ass conversations we had in teamspeak 

 @Waxer/Lynx for being a big doody head 

 @Raider for being a big inactive meme when I was in DU

 @Bro for being an amazing engineer and a great friend in teamspeak

 @Elijah for being as lenient as he was with my guardian trial

  @all of DU and 212th members for being amazing people and great memers 


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