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Pratts Geonsis event


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Name: Pratt

Who helped (If applicable): Sovereign, Cookies

Event Name: The Rescue of Senior Commander Domino and the destruction of the Droid Factory

Summary of the story: The senior Commander was dumb and captured by the CIS, he was taken to Geonosis and tortured. Troops were sent in and engaged in combat with the CIS in and around their Arena. The Commander was rescued and the troops returned to base to receive their secondary objective, a CIS Droid Factory. The troops decided to not take the gateway they had opened by freeing the commander and instead walked the whole way around to the Factory. The Null and RC went in early taking advantage of the Laat that had been provided for emergency extraction. They shutdown the power to the plant and killed the Droid Commander in the base. Special Operations then blew up the Techno Union Ship that was by the Factory while the troops retreated from the Factory. 

What was the result of the event?: Clone Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both...

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