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Spartan - The Data That Got Away

Old Spartan

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Name: Wolfpack Lead XO Comet | Spartan

Who helped (If applicable): Fordo | Sinister

Event Name: The Data That Got Away

Summary of the story: So I noticed that two people were on clone commando jobs and were getting interrogated so I decided to work with that. Our Venator received a transport of a new company of clones that was comprised of survivors from various battalions that had been wiped out. (7 in total, 4 Commandos, 3 CT's) We received a hologram message from Commander Sinister about the new company of clones enroute to our Venator. The LAAT carrying the new company arrived, the clones disembarked had their ID's check and they immediately went every where. The new CT transfers had several PTSD attacks and were a nuisance for CG, while the commandos secretly went to reinforce their brother that was being questioned in medbay. The commandos came to med bay to find that their comrade had already been uncovered so they executed their further orders. Steal republic data and make it off ship.

What was the result of the event?: Some new CT's were arrested, and one commando droid escaped from the Venator by jumping out the airlock to a CIS ship that warped in to pick him up. The remaining commandos executed their final protocol and opened fire upon the clones.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with RP

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