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Bolt's Repair and Attack


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Name: Bolt

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah [Pre-Event Building-ish] Sanchez [Building | Event Job] Zyner [Loud Bomb Noises and DropPods at the end]

Event Name: Repair and Attack

Summary of the story: The Republic had a schedueled matinence at a shipyard, which went pretty successful, but sadly the shipyard fell apart and some deaths occured. The resolute soon made their way back to coruscant, and got news of an attack they could partake in, and they did. They hyperspaced into a CIS sector near Kashyyyk, where they eliminated a CIS fleet and fighters, giving a good old fashioned win.

What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Beginning Roleplay | End Shoot em up (kinda both then)


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