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CWRP - Cross' Staff Application


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RP Name:

Omega-15 Fi Skirata (But my own Clone name is Cross)



Nope(Although, I'm planning to buy it)


My timezone is +1

Tell Us Why you wish to be an Administrator:

great experience as staff on Garry's Mod, And I think I would be doing a good job on synergy as a staff member. 
The server Could use some more eastern staff members like me for example. I have spent a lot of time in this community and I know a lot of people in this community. I just think that if I become a staff member I could help both the players inside of the community and the server itself. I can help out players with anything such as lore, training, tips e.t.c. I just want to be more helpful to the community than I am currently. Since my current position is in Omega squad(Fi), I don't often have a whole lot of things to do, like tryouts and such, and I do AFK a whole lot when there is nothing happening. But, if I apply for staff I can do more things, such as help people with problems and such, I will be able to do more productive things as a staff member. 

Tell us a little about yourself:

I can be both annoying and funny sometimes around my friends and such, but when it comes to being a staff member I prioritize the duties I have to do and the help I may have to give to the players in this community. I can be pretty goofy and such, but when I need to be serious I will be serious. I live in Sweden(aka northern Europe) so I will be the most active at European times. Though I can be active on American times during weekends. If I become a staff member I will have to dedicate more time to the server, which I will, though mostly during weekends. I will be active on the forums and TeamSpeak.

Do you have any previous staff Experience:
Yes, I do, I have been a moderator or even higher on several servers. I know staff commands, the staff rules, I know how to help and take care, I know how to handle sits, I know how to deal with minges, e.t.c. I know what responsibilities I will be taking as a staff member. I have been Moderator on 4 different servers, I have been an Administrator on 2 different servers, and I have been a Super Admins once. (These communities are, Icefuse, ZarpGaming, Werewolf-Gaming, And some old dead communities I don't remember the name of)

How much playtime Synergy server: 
My playtime is about 218 hours.

Are you currently staff on a synergy server: 




Thanks for reading!


Edited by Cross
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+1 many people don't know cross because he's relatively new to the server, but knowing him he would be a great staff member, and hes eastern too

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Please read over the rules and regulations for the application found on the forums.

"You may not comment on your own Staff Application after publishing it unless answering a question you were specifically address on. Otherwise, commenting will disqualify your application."


You may reapply for staff in 30 days.

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