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Everything posted by MikesBallsack2

  1. I am sorry I must leave, the medical bills are too expensive. If MikesBallsack2™ recovers maybe there is a glimmer of hope. Probably not though.
  2. When I joined this forum a solid two minutes ago, I saw the best in Star Wars™ roleplaying. From that one guy who introduced me to the forum, to myself, MikesBallsack2, I enjoyed interacting with every single one of you. I am saddened to announce that Mike has contracted testicular canncer. Thus, MikeBallsack2 cannot continue playing with the great Synergy community. I will also be stealing both your lungs and the trademark to this forum. Thanks for everything, I'll see you all in the hospital and court. -Former Marshal Commander and Governor of Florida Jeb Bush
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