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Posts posted by PewPew

  1. RP Name:CG CQC PFC PewPew

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56490614




    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):The Reason Why i want to Become Staff is Because I want to Make the Server a Great Place For people to bring there Friends and have a Blast and To help the server from Failrp and hackers and just make it a Fun Place to Play because i think the server is in a great Place right now so i hope i can help keep it like that. So i hope you see what i mean thank you for Reading.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):Im a 14 year old Boy that Lives in South Africa and I love Roleplay servers and helping people and I love playing Pc Games and Console Games and I Love Ice Hockey

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes I once Made a Server Called Cosmic Rp and I was admin on a Darkrp Server


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