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Posts posted by Super_

  1. On 4/6/2024 at 12:18 PM, Rohan said:

    1.Since there is no marshal, do you feel like you will be able to handle being the head of HC, head of all factions, and potentially having to step in for battalions until there is a marshal?
    2.Do you have any plans on bringing back HC meetings/CMD meetings on a steady schedule as of now?
    3.And just out of curiousity, what do you feel like your day-to-day will look like as Palpatine?

    First things first, I'd like to apologize for not responding sooner. I'm usually on top of this. I've been dealing with a irl situation, and it has been heavily distracting me, but I believe it is over with now 

    now, to your questions 

    1. Yes, I truly believe I am more than capable of handling the factions and, if needed, the battalions. As of right now, I will have 2 regimentals on the battalion side that if they need help, they can reach out to me. When it comes to mech, all 3 BCMDs know they can message me at any time if they ever have an issue.

    2. Yes, I did plan to bring back HC/CMD meetings, as I genuinely believe it will help the server as a whole. I believe that setting a time once or even twice a month when all of the Command team sit down and discuss what is going on with their battalions or factions will allow us to work together more and ensure that everyone knows what is going on and will enable us to work together in a more cohesive manner 

    3. When it comes to day-to-day, I believe, at least for the beginning, it will be sitting down with my faction leads and working on any projects we have moving forward/ fixing any issues we see in the factions other than the work side I plan on interacting with the people of the server to the best of my abilities, id like to work with Game masters to work myself into events and make them more entertaining for the entire server 


    I hope this answers all of your questions. 


    @Brooklyn, I will be responding soon I have 2 interviews I have to take care of first 

    • Pay Respect 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, Banagite said:

    I love super and think he can do a great job, though the application is in reality terrible, I know that doesn't reflect his abilities in game and in other areas. I do have a few questions though...

    You have had a decrease in activity towards this latter part of your Yoda terms, will this change if you get Palpatine?

    I know you are not going for the position because of RP, but I saw minimal RP throughout your Yoda terms, will this increase?


    When it comes to the two weeks when I dropped in my activity, it was heavily due to the fact I was starting a new job that I have now had for close to a month. I have now quit my second job, so in the past week, I have more than doubled my hours. So yes, I now have much more free time to dedicate to the server.

    Regarding your second question, yes, I plan to put in my best efforts while role-playing as Palpatine. As for Yoda, it was a lot more difficult because I had to reverse sentences like Yoda does. Instead, I get to play the role of a cryptic old man whom I can enjoy playing with plenty of different ways to play it 

  3. 1 hour ago, Drip said:

    Yes Im more than aware, but you still have a large influnce on Clone Life and are capable of making changes. Just curious if you had any unique plans for clone either than what you said mainly due to the absence of a Marshal Commander (obv not including directors)

    With the current setup, I just genuinely don’t see the need to change things with clones. Yes I’d have the capability to, but that doesn’t mean I should just start imposing changes in my eyes. Synergy has set up Palaptine to be in charge of factions and that will be my focus. The last thing I wanna do is overstep on the regs.

    I hope this satisfies your question. 

    And apologies on formatting or spelling I am at work typing on my phone 

  4. Responce to misfit 

    1 I feel I'm ready because I spent 2 full terms as Yoda solving the issues of the order and making it the best it could be. I feel I can make a even bigger difference helping all of the factions yo be in best places they can be I have a proven track record of pushing myself and the people around me to do bigger and better things 


    2 I spend time in a lot of different channels now depending on how I'm feeling coming home from work If I'm feeling. I try to spend time in different channels almost every day I am on. But when I am not on the server I do like to go into the channel with fewer people so I can hear myself think but I always have my dms open all people have to do is poke me and I'm in the channel with in 5 minutes to see what they need 


    3 this question is very confusing to me because I left the order with great leadership every position is full besides the one left from hysterical moving to Windu but we are already looking for someone to fill those shoes. I'm really not sure where this is coming from because I am leaving the order in one of the strongest places it has been in years with leaders ready to succeed me. I could be reading your question wrong but I truly believe that I have done everything in my power to set the order up for success after I am gone 

    • Informative 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Drip said:

    We have that though, RCMDs do that even though one is not filled and Server Competitions are being done by directors, so do you have no other plans for clone?

    Palpatine is only in charge of factions not the battalions if the rcmds need help I Will help them in any way I can. I don't know if you're not aware of how the role works but the job of Palatine is to run the factions and work with the Marchal Commander who is in charge of the clones 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Drip said:

    Before I vote, I know its not included in the application (should be changed) What are you plans for Clone/GAR, Obviously its the biggest faction as everyone else knows and you will also be a major influence of it, So other than just rping with people do you plan to do anything with clone

    Easy question as I already stated if any of the battalions need help I will not hesitate to jump in and lend a hand. Another thing I want to push is server-side competitions like I do in Jedi already, separate from the battalion competition 

  7. 28 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    Your plan with the Guild is to host a meeting to see what's wrong? Not to see what the issues are prior to putting an app up? I know you're in contact with Guild Leadership so that part shouldn't be a problem so I have no idea why this hasn't been done yet. It hasn't exactly been a secret that you're going for this position, so why haven't you done your due diligence yet?  

    I am aware of the issues within the guild. Due to the lack of people in the structure, the documents are still disorganized, and there are rules that contradict each other. Besides the lead, there isn't a single member of the guild that is dedicated to it. I understand the problems, but I want to give the guild a chance to step up and help solve them. I plan to sit down with them, discuss the issues I've mentioned, and work together to create a plan to fix them. I also want to hear if they have any other concerns that I may not have seen from my perspective. I don't want to overstep and force changes immediately; I believe we can solve the problems together. I would rather help them succeed than impose short-term solutions.

  8. 1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    Why do you really want this position? Do you see it as the next step up in your Synergy career or do you actually have concrete plans? 

    I've wanted to go for Palpitine for quite a while for a few reasons: the chancellor is one of my favorite characters in the franchise. Secondly, the amount of things I will be able to do is endless, from working with the Senate to messing with Jedi to helping with events where I contact Doku to retrieve something or stop a plan from the gar to keep the war going. The fact that I can play both sides of the war is one of the biggest pulls in my eyes.

    1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    what do you actually plan to do with the Guild besides "make sure leadership is active"?

    My plan for the guild is to hold a meeting with current and former guild leaders to discuss what is working and what isn't. Once we have identified the main reason for the lack of interest in the guild, I will collaborate with the guild leadership to devise and implement a plan to address the problem. This will be my top priority initially, as it is the most critical aspect of the VIP faction that requires urgent assistance.

    1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    What can YOU actually create that's new and improved for the factions rather than keeping the status quo and making sure leadership? 

    In order to move forward successfully, we must first ensure that our base is solid. That's why my top priority is to address any issues with our current setup before we start creating anything new. By doing so, we can ensure that we have a strong and stable base to build upon, and we can move forward with confidence knowing that we're not neglecting any crucial issues.


    If this does not answer your questions, please let me know so I can try to answer your questions fully

  9. Just now, KillJoy said:

    +1 Honestly since Palpatine has changed from being the head person over both VIP factions and Clone factions you might be the perfect fit for the position. You already do a good job with the Jedi which I haven’t seen this many active Jedi. But I do have one question as Palpatine will be working with DS guards or will you solely use Senate Commands and how would you help them work together 

    Senate Guard would be my main focus between the two of them, but I will also include DS to the best of my abilities 

    • Bruh 1
    • Based 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Edgar said:

    Would you be able to go into some more depth on how you intend to help the Guild? The main thing I see here is just mentoring the CMDs and getting someone to be Governor.

    At the current moment there is little representation from guild leadership and I understand the guild lead is now overseas  and is trying his best to get things done but without representation on the server there is little motivation for hunters to get online. Today we actually had hunters on because they had someone pushing the activity. The biggest issue that guild has is presesce and if I can help push the guild marshals and Lt to get on and do events or activities we can revive this side of civilian

    • Informative 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Kurt said:

    Before voting, I want to ask, have you been able to solve or work around a lot of issues that were brought up in your previous Yoda Application? A lot of folks were saying that there was a lot of miscommunication or lack of communication with your Masters, including Mace, and others stating you were being Biased or having favoritism towards others.
    I don't normally play on my Jedi so I'm trying to look at this from the outside looking in. 

    I can confidently say that all communication issues have been dealt with all aspects of the order are transparent With Knight Watch being public this is a major aspect that we have pushed to have more transparency, the master tam is on the same page with all suggestions we talk weekly on everything we want to push and are pushing. 

  12. Steam Name:



    RP Name:



    RP Rank:

    Grand Master of the order


    Steam ID:



    Why should you become Chancellor Palpatine?:

    For the past year, I’ve played on Synergy almost every day and have grown more and more attached as time has gone on. The people who are a part of this community are one of my biggest motivations for continuing to stay in High Command and making this the best server it can be. Throughout my two Yoda terms, I’ve had to make a lot of hard decisions, but my main goal has always been to improve each and every Jedi’s experience here. I’d like to continue this with more server-wide influence as Palpatine. Being Yoda two terms in a row, combined with my experience in the Civilian Faction as Mas Amedda, has prepared me to take on this role ideally. The VIP factions have been without a Palpatine for a long time and now that Jedi is in a stable place, I feel like it is the proper time for me to move up.


    I have reached out to a large majority of the server’s CMD team and asked them what they would want to see if I went for Palpatine. The biggest thing I heard is that they want a Palpatine that is active and on the server interacting with people to the best of their ability. I genuinely believe I can do that and there are unlimited opportunities for RP that I can do. It is the thing I am most excited to start doing if I get the opportunity to do so.



    monday -friday after 5:30 PM til midnight

    Saturday-Sunday free all-day


    Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

    Mas Amedda

    When I was Mas Amedda, I was able to fill the senate on two separate occasions. When I resigned from Mas, I left due to getting Yoda, and the Senate ended up dissolving due to not having secure leadership. During the time I was in charge of the Senate, I was forced to learn that you need to find someone to succeed you in any leadership position you have. Not having people ready to replace you can lead to all the work put in previously going to waste, and this is something that I learned the hard way.


    Jedi Chief Instructor 

    Nine months ago, I was made the chief instructor under Entity. This role taught me the most about how to be a leader. It was my first Commander position, and it left me with a lot of responsibilities. At first, it was a bit shaky, but with a lot of hard work I learned the ropes and was able to be the best I could be. When I became Chief Instructor, I was in charge of all trials for the Younglings and Knights. My job was to ensure that every trial was conducted properly and everyone had a fair shot at moving forward in the order. Alongside that part of the job, I was also in charge of the entirety of the master team, making sure they all hit quota and were in the best position they could be in. Another section of the Order that I was in charge of at the time was being head of the discipline Any and all arrests I was in charge of and had to deal with, from simple PTS arrest to discrimination and bullying reports. You name it and I probably had to deal with it at some point. Thankfully, one of Entity's goals from his Yoda term was to make a comprehensive discipline guide so that any and all arrests or warnings would all be treated in the same way and not just thrown together willy-nilly. As chief instructor I was forced to learn a lot and become more responsible with everything I did moving forward. Becoming chief instructor was the catalyst to my moving to apply for Palpatine. I knew when I decided to go for Yoda I wasn't going just to do one term, and I also knew eventually, I would have to make the jump and apply for this next step in my synergy career.



    As Yoda, I've had to make many hard calls for the future of the order. When making decisions regarding Jedi, I thought of two major things. How will this affect the order, and is this in the best interest of the future of this faction? In my time as Yoda, I have brought the order into an era of stability and prosperity Thinking back on the Order before I became Yoda, to the Order myself and my team have created, and I can say that I have left a mark on the future of the server. My biggest hope is that I made the job easier for the next Yodas so they can continue to lead this excellent Order through new endeavors.


    What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is?:

    I believe that being a good Palpatine is all about finding a balance between letting the Factions make their own decisions while also knowing when to step in. Another big aspect of the Palpatine job is the in-game RP. Palpatine should be role playing consistently with the GAR and factions as often as possible. Having an in-game presence is a massive part of all applicable positions on Synergy. Last but certainly not least, Palpatine is a High Command position. This means staying up to date with all HC matters and taking an active role when it comes to interviews for positions on the server. 


    Do you have a microphone?:



    Where do you want the Jedi, Senate, and Guild to be at the end of your term?:

    By the end of my term, I would love for all three factions to be in a great place, but I have to be realistic. I want the Factions to be in a healthy spot where I can't say one is doing worse than the other. For Jedi, I have full faith in the leadership I left in place to take it and make it better day by day. I made sure I left Jedi in a place where I could focus on Naval and Civilian. I’d like to help them by actively starting to heal any broken pieces of them. Now, when it comes to the Navy itself, the leadership that Gohn has left behind is more than capable of making the Naval into a machine that can work day and night to improve itself. If the leadership wants me to step in and help them I will not hesitate in assisting them with making improvements. Now to the faction that needs the most help, in my opinion, Civilian. This Faction needs the most hands-on help out of all the VIP Factions. The Senate side of Civilian I can genuinely say is in one of the best spots I have ever seen in my time on the server. Blaze has done such a good job rebuilding the Senate from the ground up. Yes, it had a few hiccups, but everyone who has made something great can say they had a few bumps in the road. On the other side of Faction, Bounty Hunter needs drastic help getting it back on its feet. I plan on working alongside Harper and his Guild LTs to help rebuild the Guild. As of right now, there is little to no activity on normal hunters online anymore. When the Server had a governor, the Faction did have a lot of activity and that’s due to many factors. My main goal for Civilians is to mentor up the two Commanders of the faction to be ready to go for Governor if they so choose to go for the position.


    How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

    In my opinion, the best way for me to improve relations with the GAR is to play the role of Chancellor Palpatine and constantly interact with the battalions. Doing his RP on both sides of the war. The role of Palpatine has a lot of different ways you can go about RP, and I can not wait to explore the different ways I can interact with the server and the events that can be built around me being online. Although The GAR isn't going to be my main focus, I will not hesitate to assist any battalion that reaches out for help or if the regimentals need any help. I will always be around to help them in any way I can 


    How do you plan to improve relations within the VIP factions?:

    I’d apply the same concept to the Factions and get them as involved as possible with all things happening on the server that they can take part in. With the Factions already having many subunits within each other, for example, Senate has Naval Diplomats and Jedi Diplomats, Jedi having Militia within Guild, and Naval having RSB to interact with the Guild, we just need to make sure that all of these sub-factions within the VIP faction are running and doing everything they can to promote Synergy with the rest of the server.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your position of Chancellor Palpatine?


    • Agree 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Reborn said:

    So for context he was in the gunner seat of the ATTE which I’m not even sure if he was certified to be operating one in the first place, but he was warned by myself and another CG by the name of Danny to watch the friendly fire and continued to kill over and over I understand it was a accident but you had two warning before the ban and didn’t stop or respond to either for me it’s gonna be a -1

    With the context I’ll be changing to a -1 

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