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Super_ last won the day on April 4

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  1. Super_

    Super loa 6/18-7-1

    RP Name: Palpatine Battalion: High Command Who is in command until return Length of Absence 2 weeks from 6/18-7/1 put an offer in on a house but my lease is up so moving in with family until closing on new house
  2. +1 I gave @Bro set goals before pushing this out dude hit those goals and ran with them.
  3. Massive +1 these are a necessity
  4. RP Name: Super Battalion: VIP factions Who is in command until you return?:Faction leads @blazin @reap3r93 civilian commanders blaze harper Length of Absence: 5/6-5/11 My dms are always open for questions
  5. O7, this hits hard. I will miss you; you better play games with us still. I will still tk you in Alien Swarm
  6. +1 He did ask before posting; gave him the Greenlight. Thought it was a good idea
  7. First things first, I'd like to apologize for not responding sooner. I'm usually on top of this. I've been dealing with a irl situation, and it has been heavily distracting me, but I believe it is over with now now, to your questions 1. Yes, I truly believe I am more than capable of handling the factions and, if needed, the battalions. As of right now, I will have 2 regimentals on the battalion side that if they need help, they can reach out to me. When it comes to mech, all 3 BCMDs know they can message me at any time if they ever have an issue. 2. Yes, I did plan to bring back HC/CMD meetings, as I genuinely believe it will help the server as a whole. I believe that setting a time once or even twice a month when all of the Command team sit down and discuss what is going on with their battalions or factions will allow us to work together more and ensure that everyone knows what is going on and will enable us to work together in a more cohesive manner 3. When it comes to day-to-day, I believe, at least for the beginning, it will be sitting down with my faction leads and working on any projects we have moving forward/ fixing any issues we see in the factions other than the work side I plan on interacting with the people of the server to the best of my abilities, id like to work with Game masters to work myself into events and make them more entertaining for the entire server I hope this answers all of your questions. @Brooklyn, I will be responding soon I have 2 interviews I have to take care of first
  8. When it comes to the two weeks when I dropped in my activity, it was heavily due to the fact I was starting a new job that I have now had for close to a month. I have now quit my second job, so in the past week, I have more than doubled my hours. So yes, I now have much more free time to dedicate to the server. Regarding your second question, yes, I plan to put in my best efforts while role-playing as Palpatine. As for Yoda, it was a lot more difficult because I had to reverse sentences like Yoda does. Instead, I get to play the role of a cryptic old man whom I can enjoy playing with plenty of different ways to play it
  9. With the current setup, I just genuinely don’t see the need to change things with clones. Yes I’d have the capability to, but that doesn’t mean I should just start imposing changes in my eyes. Synergy has set up Palaptine to be in charge of factions and that will be my focus. The last thing I wanna do is overstep on the regs. I hope this satisfies your question. And apologies on formatting or spelling I am at work typing on my phone
  10. Responce to misfit 1 I feel I'm ready because I spent 2 full terms as Yoda solving the issues of the order and making it the best it could be. I feel I can make a even bigger difference helping all of the factions yo be in best places they can be I have a proven track record of pushing myself and the people around me to do bigger and better things 2 I spend time in a lot of different channels now depending on how I'm feeling coming home from work If I'm feeling. I try to spend time in different channels almost every day I am on. But when I am not on the server I do like to go into the channel with fewer people so I can hear myself think but I always have my dms open all people have to do is poke me and I'm in the channel with in 5 minutes to see what they need 3 this question is very confusing to me because I left the order with great leadership every position is full besides the one left from hysterical moving to Windu but we are already looking for someone to fill those shoes. I'm really not sure where this is coming from because I am leaving the order in one of the strongest places it has been in years with leaders ready to succeed me. I could be reading your question wrong but I truly believe that I have done everything in my power to set the order up for success after I am gone
  11. Palpatine is only in charge of factions not the battalions if the rcmds need help I Will help them in any way I can. I don't know if you're not aware of how the role works but the job of Palatine is to run the factions and work with the Marchal Commander who is in charge of the clones
  12. Easy question as I already stated if any of the battalions need help I will not hesitate to jump in and lend a hand. Another thing I want to push is server-side competitions like I do in Jedi already, separate from the battalion competition
  13. I am aware of the issues within the guild. Due to the lack of people in the structure, the documents are still disorganized, and there are rules that contradict each other. Besides the lead, there isn't a single member of the guild that is dedicated to it. I understand the problems, but I want to give the guild a chance to step up and help solve them. I plan to sit down with them, discuss the issues I've mentioned, and work together to create a plan to fix them. I also want to hear if they have any other concerns that I may not have seen from my perspective. I don't want to overstep and force changes immediately; I believe we can solve the problems together. I would rather help them succeed than impose short-term solutions.
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