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Posts posted by Retr0

  1. Name: Retr0

    Event Name: Grievous Attack Capture 

    Summary of the story-line (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info): This is a 2 part event.

    Part One: We get a distress call from the planet (whatever planet we use) saying that locals are under attack from Grievous's forces. We plan a surprise attack to finish off Grievous once and for all. A few battalions load up and head to the planet, while the other regiments stay as back up on the ship. We fight an army of what seems like a little when we get there and it almost seems too easy. But after a while of searching we are flanked by Grievous's real army, being captured by him in the process. End Of Part One.

    Part Two: The other regiments head down to the planet and save the troops that have been captured. After fighting waves of droids they free the troops and everyone goes after Grievous and Asajj. (They escape of course) but we give it out all. We capture Asajj to interrogate her into information, but she is rescued by Grievous. We all return to the ship hurt from an attack that was a planned flank from the start.

    Jobs Required: General Grievous, Asajj Ventress

    Vehicles Required: A few LAAT's 

    Map being used (If applicable for event server): Doesn't Matter

    Any additional information: This event is part shoot-em up and part puzzle solving on the defense regiments part. Trying to free the first battalion will require some hunting for keys and information. (PS, this is the first event I have planned so I don't expect it to get attention or be any good lmao)

  2. I've given it my all in these past 2 months, but I guess I didn't have it in me. Too many times was I thrown to the side like I didn't matter. Being striped of jobs for being too inactive when on LOA. And some other stupid stuff along the way. I was there when the 212th was the largest and most powerful battalion on Synergy, but we fell. I witnessed the rise and fall of our numbers, the fights and stupid things that happened. But I've always just felt like a shadow. I put my life into this game for 2 months, to the point where I am failing half my classes because I was on too much. Then when I would go on LOA to catch up I would lose something. My home is the 212th, but sometimes, you need a break, and I need a big one. I have lost some of my IRL friends because they hated this game and would want to play other games with me. I need to leave. Thanks for the fun Synergy. I'll try to return in few months, see if things have improved.

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