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Everything posted by Ragen

  1. -1 we had it in the brig to start with but rc wanted it in the medbay
  2. Ragen

    Senate Guards

    Name: Ragen Suggestion: add in the senate Guard job Implementation: so lately we've all seen some of the senators use the senate Guard as part of their body guards so im making this so that we can have a actual job. Lore:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Senate_Commando Workshop content if applicable: Requiers dev models are in game If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: add Job: senate Guard lead, senate guard officer, senate guard Model: in the server Weapons: dc15a shodow dc15s dc17 riot shield for the lead only if aloud by the founders Other: please think about it first we already have a doc and a roster maid me and tucker are currently working on the discord -senate Guard Lead Kilo also they will not be making arrests they will mainly stay in the senate chambers and will work with shock letting shock not worry about the other senators and they can focus mainly on palpy and mas i will be talking with unejam soon about how we work together and if i am allowed to be in command of it when it gets implemented but we have about everything done on the discord and ill be sending it to the director soon
  3. You know what fuck it void this as no one thinks i can lead a new thing so forget it @Carter
  4. Steam Name:[SR] Ragen [NA] RP Name:Ragen Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:211672794 Experience:iv been part of the server for over a year joining the 501st on agust 1st 2017 staying for a week then after wards joining CG right befor halbert became fox at wich point i worded my way up to the rank of Captin joining the jedi order getting knight adapt being a consular healer and now trying to become the dark lord Why should you become Dark Lord?:i can make the Group a serious order and also i can promote good rp with in the order Do you understand the lore of the Sith (SWTOR)?: yes i do Availability: i am on most of the night and all day on some weekends Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: join 501st left for cg getting rys became the 2nd person to get the riot wightlist becoming a knight made it to captin in shock got arc certified went back to 501st to help grow numbers as a 2ndlt went back to shock became the riot officer then riot lead joined rancor for a bit went back to 501st revied JT became the JTT then JTO and now i am the JTl of a almost full regiment with in 501st also i am one of the jar jars and also a staff member Do you have a microphone?: yes Where do you want the Sith to be at the end of your term?: a active order promoting good rp with the jedi and the clones and following the rules How do you plan to integrate the Sith with the current CWRP?: if at all posible have it be a nother job where they have a smal base where no one can find it and they go try and be sith where at some points they may attack clones or jedi and if posibol do some rp with the chancillor also i have the discord ready almost at wich point i will give a link to all higher ups for them to be part of so that they can monitor the progress and if i am not picked i will happily give ownership to the rightfull person Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes i do Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Dark Lord rank?: yes i do
  5. Name: Ragen Staff Rank: na Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):1 week Reason: snow storm comming Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:yrs Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:yes
  6. Welp unjame looks like your demoted
  7. -1 you where kicked out from the 501st and blacklisted for being racist and that's not what the staff team needs
  8. RP Name:TR 501st JT SGT Ragen Steam ID: 0:0:211672794 VIP (Y/N) Y Age:17 Gender:male Timezone:Easter stander Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I am wanting to help keep the server as serious as posibal and I am willing to do anything to help out the staff members and the community and also to keep minges out of the server and also to make the server a friendly environment and also if any person has a problem on the base i will be willing to help them and also to help out my battalion be more active and make the 501st grate and host fun sims for everyone and also to eventually host fun events for people Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am a good listen and I follow orders to a t and I am a friendly and helpful person and I'm good at keeping order on the base and I'm a laid back person I also played football and it thought me how to be a good leader and I'm in my school band so that helps me keep a good focus on things i am also taking a fire academy and an emt class and psychology Do you have any previous staff experience?yes i was a admin and a game helper for the swrp server How much time do you have in the server: from the last time i checked it was probably 2000 hr in the server Are you curently staff on any other senergy servers: no
  9. @Andrews53 pleas void ill be takking an loa cause i need to focus on school for rn
  10. RP Name: ragen Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:211672794 VIP (Y/N): yes Age: 17 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 senteses:) i am realy active since my school is out for the summer and i am wanting to join you agine so that i may help keep the number of minges out of the server and to help my battalion out with making dupes when i become the proper rank and if the Republic fleet will alowe me i will be willing to make dupes for them to but over all i am wanting to join so that i can help make the server as fun as it can be. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): i am a junor at my high school and i play foot ball as well as play trumpet in my schools band i also work at a fire department as a junior fire fighter and i am a good listener and i am good at following orders and i will do what needs to be done to the best of my abiliteys and i am currently taking a emt course at my school as well. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i have been a staff member on here and i have reached the rank of admin How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 3,000 the last time i remember Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) no
  11. +1 we can finily call out people that say your promoted to 2nd luteney coronal
  12. +1 i dont see the problem in the gm joining the specialized regaments and it would be fun to do training with you
  13. +1 all tc troopers use their other jobs
  14. -1 null is to op as it is and its already hard enough to try and catch you
  15. @Dragon iv been removed fro.e staff
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