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Posts posted by racconater

  1. RP Name: TR DU ARFO 2ndLT Racc 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:446365026

    VIP: YES

    AGE: 18

    Time zone: EST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin because I would like to help this community we have. I would like to be a Game Master to make the server from time to time. I would also like to make everything faster for a better experience as for the new members as to the oldest ones. I have been here for a long time and I am truly thankful for what admins have done to me, I would like to give back too. I stay up at late night were everything seems dead but I would like to change that. throw something for people to stay on the nights and make their stay worthy. And another important reason is that at night I have trained CC's but there were no admins to give whitelists and I am sorry for the person that waited with me for 30 minutes just to play.  

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have a passion for raccoons. I have played on the Xbox since very young and now I am trying new stuff on pc. One if my favorite tv series is blue mountain state (which got canceled :( and I am really sad for it). I have 2 dogs, some fishes and turtle. My favorite candy is those gummy worms that are sour. I also have played football, soccer, basketball, karate and some swimming. I know how to program in Unity and how to use arduino for robotics.

    Do you have any previous staff experience: In game I have none in video games , but in real life I do. I have been participating for events at my high school that included logistics, preparation, coordination and communication. I have been responsible for contacting important persons to give us conferences or to come to the high school.

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our clone wars server?  524 hours.

  2. I really think that you are fit for this position, I know that you work hard and get along with the people. You have hosted really good trainings and I have actually learned stuff from those trainings, it isn't the normal stuff, they are more about tactics and I like that.


  3. 4 minutes ago, SkiTz said:

    Name: SkiTz

    Who helped (If applicable): Xenomasse , Babatunde

    Event Name: A CIS SuperWeapon

    Link to Event Document (optional): 

    Small Summary: A Small team is sent to a Snowy CIS planet to find intel on a brand new CIS Super Weapon 

    9/10, the map could be better


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