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Everything posted by ThatFlameKiddo

  1. completely misread the guidelines, this can go into denied
  2. RP Name: Jupiter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156624244 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 20 Timezone: est Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): It's been a decent while since I've gone down a staff path while my time in other servers. Having a lot of experience, I think I've been meaning to get back into it. Supporting the community in any way I could contribute to. That could be applied in several fields really, its a important role in the community one that comes with some level of maturity and responsibilities to uphold as you go up in the community. Seeing how this community could use a little more help in the staff ranks since Mexico keeps bugging bout it, I said why not, giving staff another shot in a new community. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm Jupiter, most people I know more closely call me Flame. Though I'm sticking to the newer name Jupiter because I enjoy being a planet. Currently 20 and will be 21 in about a couple weeks so that's based as fuck. Currently I spend my time doing my favorite hobbies, PC building, playing football (I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan to mention this now,) and photoshop work. That's mostly it about me, really just vibing with gmod since I stopped playing after I left a heavy RP extensive SCP-RP that shut down just a couple days later and only recently came back to GMOD to play here. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Staffed on multiple servers for a short bit of time mostly handling minor stuff in my minor roles but mostly server management in the most recent community. - Concordia Gaming SCP-RP(Shutdown): Reached Super-admin - Gaminglight Imperial RP: Reached Admin - Parallax Gaming SCP-RP(shutdown:) Reached Server manager How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: I do not have that many hours as I am still new to the community, around 13 hours.
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